EPFL is the most cosmopolitan technical university in Europe. It welcomes students, professors and collaborators of nearly 125 nationalities.
With both a Swiss and international vocation, it is therefore guided by a constant concern for openness; its teaching, research and partnership missions reach the most diverse circles: universities and engineering schools, developing and emerging countries, secondary schools and gymnasiums, industry and economy, political circles and the general public.
Its main campus brings together in one place nearly 15,000 people, students, researchers and collaborators.
Through its dynamism and the richness of the student community, EPFL has created a special spirit of curiosity and simplicity. Daily exchanges between students, researchers and entrepreneurs on campus encourage the development of new scientific, technological and architectural projects.
With more than 350 laboratories and research groups on its campus, EPFL is one of the most innovative and scientifically productive institutions. Ranked in the top 3 in Europe and the top 20 in the world for many scientific rankings, EPFL has been able to attract the best researchers in their fields.
The School has a unique organization to stimulate transdisciplinary research and foster partnerships with other institutions. It constantly combines fundamental research and engineering.